It may be an infection in the spine as discitis or osteomyelitis. Could be an epidural abscess. I ...
Normally the flu vaccine causes no symptoms other than a sore arm. Your immune system is your body ...
This could be all related to your fibromyalgia. The positive ANA test result may be due to something ...
I will try to answer this question with the limited information I have available. You definitely need to ...
Having kidney failure is probable that uric acid levels are high and this can cause gout and arthritis ...
As you probably already know , an underlying infection often leads to an outbreak of psoriasis. ( Psoriasis ...
Yes , the level of monocytes may increase for some types of vasculitis . Monocytes can be increased ...
Your question is very broad , but leukocytes in urine and fever is an infection of the urinary ...
You may have a bladder infection or cystitis with flu, is an explanation for all the symptoms at ...
It is very normal MMR contains tetanus. If you have never put a tetanus injection have pain for ...
You could make a blood test including inflammatory markers . Regarding headache artery occlusion can give headaches, jaw ...
Swollen tonsils cause pressure in your ears, blocking the Eustachian tubes that connect the middle ear to the ...
Do not know your diagnosis. However, a combination of back pain, abdominal pain and increased red blood cells ...
Most likely it is viral. In some women the immune system is weakened during menstruation due to blood ...
Benign positional vertigo is a possibility. Usually, these problems cause occasional bouts of vertigo (dizziness that makes you ...
Many people develop flu symptoms within 4 weeks after HIV infection . You have not mentioned your age ...
Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme present in various tissues of the body such as liver and bone, primarily, ...