It could be something viral , but their symptoms are not specific enough to make a diagnosis.
The symptoms you are having could be caused by hormonal fluctuations due to the contraceptive pill. Think of ...
Hello. I can not diagnose if you are pregnant . Pregnancy symptoms usually start soon after or the ...
Since you made your question several days ago, you have probably searched for a solution to their problems. ...
These are very nonspecific symptoms and may involve a variety of problems. The general aches could be side ...
He has described the classic signs of a serious liver disease. Yellowing of the eyes is called jaundice ...
There are multiple causes for abdominal pain and you can not answer your question without a full examination ...
For this cause , constipation should have lasted a long time, but if you have been having difficulty ...
With morning sickness a generally does not experience abdominal pain or diarrhea, but a strong stretch could cause ...
A pain in the upper abdominal area that radiates to the back usually pancreatic origin . Need a ...
These are the common symptoms of constipation.
Abdominal cramps and rectal bleeding may be caused by various problems. One is rectal cancer. Check with your ...
You see your doctor , you need a checkup.
You sure you're not pregnant , partial hysterectomy stopping you . You just have no cervix uterus. Or ...
Any acute chest pain should be evaluated immediately. Go to the emergency room. No pains are typical heart ...
Check with your doctor .
It is quite difficult to get an erection when you have pain. Psychological factors could be due to ...
If you had a normal period , you are not pregnant. However, if there is any doubt about ...
A home pregnancy test can be done on the first day of absence of your period. The classic ...
Since publishing his question a few days ago , you may have already sought medical opinion. As you ...
A tug usually hurts with any movement or contraction . Your pain may be due to major problems. ...
Should take his daughter to the pediatrician.
It has already identified the source of your symptoms. Anxiety and depression are among the most common causes ...
These symptoms may be due to gas and constipation or a kidney stone. You should consult your doctor ...
This is a very difficult question because the symptoms can be caused by many things . It is ...