Swollen tonsils cause pressure in your ears, blocking the Eustachian tubes that connect the middle ear to the ...
If indicated yes it is . Especially if it is hard to evacuate because it increases abdominal pressure ...
Pain in the lower back may be a sign of fibromyalgia, but there is usually more involved muscle ...
Probably not cancer but should have a gynecological follow . It could be endometriosis , ovarian torsion . ...
The negative pregnancy test after 7 days late is reliable. Eight test this out. I think it's impossible ...
Whenever you feel heaviness in the chest with numbness should go to the doctor immediately.
You need to see a doctor urgently, there is no reason to wait.
I would recommend you see a surgeon . You probably have a herniated disc that is pinching the ...
If you had a normal period , you are not pregnant. However, if there is any doubt about ...
I understand your question you've had unprotected sex . These symptoms have started after taking a foul or ...
I advise going to the doctor or emergency room .
Without an examination and is more difficult to identify the cause of your symptoms may range from simple ...
This question a week since the public does , I guess already sought advice . There are a ...
Pain in the neck and lower back can mean anything from a syndrome of acute overload (eg , ...
Do not know your diagnosis. However, a combination of back pain, abdominal pain and increased red blood cells ...
A home pregnancy test can be done on the first day of absence of your period. The classic ...
Although neck adjustments are useful for many people, certain individuals - the elderly and people with atherosclerosis , ...
Ectopic pregnancies often cause extreme unilateral pelvic pain . If you suspect you may be pregnant, you should ...
If you have been putting on shots at the right time (ie , once every three months) , ...
Your symptoms are not unusual for this stage of pregnancy . As the uterus grows , the ligaments ...
I am an audiologist, however, described the symptoms may be due to some kind of degenerative changes in ...
It seems that due to spontaneous abortion is a complicated medical history. You should visit your doctor for ...
This does not look like a backache . It could be a kidney infection. The safest answer is ...
Since publishing his question a few days ago , you may have already sought medical opinion. As you ...
You need to see a GP . You may need a chest x- ray or other tests , ...