Not sure what you have, but it is not runny nose . I recommend getting a second opinion ...
He needs to go to a doctor as soon as possible . These are serious symptoms. It could ...
Pyelonephritis. You should make a urinalysis and urine culture .
A chronic cough with irritation of the respiratory tract can cause these symptoms . Smoking is the most ...
Not in your head and prevents anyone to suggest you the same. These symptoms are associated with many ...
Need to see a doctor and if you do not, ask someone in your family to recommend you ...
Many people develop flu symptoms within 4 weeks after HIV infection . You have not mentioned your age ...
Sometimes with insufficient diagnostic electrocardiogram is obtained. If there is a history to support (and apparently yes ) ...
If a patient has severe neck and back pain , headaches and rashes , then yes , they ...
Ovarian cancer is rare in young women . However , ovarian cysts are very common. And there's a ...
It would be reasonable to repeat the pregnancy test in this situation. Use first morning urine , as ...
You have to go back to the emergency room to diagnose you again . If you had hypokalemia ...
Need a good control of clinical pain .
Your symptoms need a careful history and physical examination . You need to determine the causes of pain ...
For the location of your pain could be a kidney infection. He should see a doctor .
I suggest you go to a psychiatrist, the symptoms are indicative of a state of low mood and ...
Perhaps due to colitis or infection. Are there any foods that you 're sitting wrong? Try to follow ...
It is difficult to say whether these symptoms are related or are a separate issue. Key questions to ...
Chest pain with shortness of breath and edema ( swelling of legs) is very worrying. He can have ...
You have a wide range of symptoms. Consider arthritis, sciatica , fibromyalgia , disorders in the metabolism of ...
With these symptoms, it's time to go see your doctor! Call now, so that it can be viewed ...
I think you should go to the emergency
Generalized urticaria can be very uncomfortable. Your doctor may give you medication or ointment to make you feel ...
A simple test for food allergies and skin tests are not enough. Should be tested for food intolerance ...
There are many symptoms that do not fit into any specific pattern of known diseases . That said ...