There are a number of possible explanations for the symptoms of his daughter. If your pulse is increased ...
Most likely have scoliosis, which may have been present for a long period of time. It is not ...
Your symptoms are consistent with a condition called plantar fasciosis. The pain is caused by a shortening of ...
It could be a pregnancy. Check with your doctor.
Consult your gynecologist could be hormonal changes or ovarian cysts.
It could be a degenerative disease of the vertebral disks or inflammation of the nerves.
The cold air can constrict the bronchi and cause coughing or wheezing. The pain may be caused by ...
Don't stress too much about the possibility of being pregnant, and you have a lack and symptoms such ...
It could be that you had some muscle or tendon due to overuse injury. Try some anti-inflammatory and ...
I recommend starting by a doctor, he will do tests and he refer you to other specialists if ...
Many causes can produce these symptoms: fibroids in the uterus, ovarian cysts (benign or malignant), gastrointestinal problems can ...
There may be several causes. Mast cells are skin cells that contain histamine, are activated by some stimulus: ...
These symptoms suggest that the spine is being compressed, you need to check whether it is cancer or ...
It seems to be a bout of diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is generated because a diverticulum (bubble or protrusion) of ...
Abdominal pain that moves to the back can be: appendicitis (pain in right quadrant), gastroenteritis ( intestinal flu ...
If these symptoms are happening right now should go to the emergency room. The symptoms of a myocardial ...
Some of the symptoms you described can be related to the Hashimoto's disease such as joint pain and ...
Please call emergency for an ambulance if new symptoms occur. I will list some of the symptoms of ...
Since chest pain can be caused by many causes (eg, gastroesophageal reflux, inflammation of the chest wall, pleuritis, ...
Allergies cause itching but do not usually cause back pain, shoulder pain or headache. I'm not sure what ...
Pregnancy may be an explanation. Become a pregnancy test a week after menstruation touch. If it is negative ...
Cough with chest pain associated with the movement can sometimes be pleuritis, an inflammation of the lining of ...
I understand that just returned from the Caribbean, so these symptoms are related to an infection acquired during ...
There are a number of issues to consider here: despite their normal ECG and an analytical 6 weeks ...