It may be an infection in the spine as discitis or osteomyelitis. Could be an epidural abscess. I ...
Sometimes local infections are mistaken for spider bites. I would make sure it was not cellulite, instead of ...
A pain running down your buttocks to the legs may be a pinched nerve in the lower back. ...
They can be due to many reasons like problems: gall bladder, pancreas, heart, kidney and liver. You have ...
It could be bronchitis or a viral infection (influenza). Are you taking medication? Check with your doctor.
The tension headaches can give severe pain. Check with your doctor.
In your case I would not expect much, take your child to the ER for you immediately make ...
Lumbar and lower abdominal pain associated with kidney problems or gallbladder. The headache may also occur. Check with ...
Any or benign or malignant, ovarian cyst produces these symptoms.
Dark urine with pain suggests that it may have a UTI and may also indicate dehydration with or ...
Lymphadenopathy of this magnitude is not associated with any reason.
Check with your doctor, but this is not an atypical pain.
If you really throughout the body and have been there a while, you need to see a doctor. ...
The kidneys produce pain in the upper back, your lower back pain has nothing to do with the ...
Consult your physician for more information.
Hives not usually accompanied by small blisters with black dots in the center unless it be impetigo. I'm ...
The answer to this question you would have to give the psychiatrist or cardiologist, is not an easy ...
You can get a massage just to give him high and have no injury.
It is quite difficult to give a diagnosis without further assessment online in person. I assume that you ...
The most likely not have a connection. There are many causes of itching from hemorrhoids to eczema. The ...
Constant pain early in the second quarter may be due to pain caused by the round ligament. By ...
If you have not yet had her period, a home pregnancy test should be performed. If negative, it ...
Yes, I totally agree with you, your aunt needs to see a doctor. If you are experiencing abdominal ...
Yes, it is possible that morbid obesity is related to sleep apnea and narcolepsy.
Whenever there is possibility of pregnancy should perform a pregnancy test. Since you have bad cramps and back ...