Many people often feel sore and experience more pain when they start exercising, especially if you are in ...
It is unlikely that your condition and your symptoms are caused by a thyroid condition. However, an autoimmune ...
Need a pregnancy test. If you can not afford one, search the web any family planning clinic in ...
These symptoms may be indicative of an infectious process. Possibly a urinary tract or vagina. The colorless fluid ...
You need to see a doctor, but one of the most common causes of your symptoms is usually ...
I can not determine if your injury is a cyst only from this description. I'll assume (tell me ...
It is likely that your symptoms are caused by an acute viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu), which usually resolves ...
Urticaria occurs in response to an allergic reaction. Are you taking new medication? Are you eating different foods ...
That's a very complicated situation. The abortions are often associated with bleeding and cramping. If a patient has ...
Unfortunately, without being able to make a face examination is not possible to determine whether your symptoms are ...
Need to see a gynecologist immediately to perform a complete evaluation including a pelvic exam. You may require ...
Yes, you should definitely go to their gynecologist. Some women feel more pressure, but it seems that the ...
No mention at what stage of pregnancy is. Have you had any problems with blood pressure or the ...
Could I be pregnant at age 40 after having a tubal ligation done 10 years ago if you ...
It is very difficult to answer your question without seeing a photo. Possibilities include molluscum contagiosum folliculitis, eczema, ...
Many of your symptoms - fatigue, sore lower back, joint pain, abdominal pain - can be seen in ...
If you have inflammation in the back of the knee is a very common for cyst formation zone. ...
When the internal nasal lining becomes irritated, you can create more mucus than normal. This could cause a ...
When you say that a complete hysterectomy was performed, I assume he meant he also removed the ovaries. ...
I've seen that made this question several months ago, so it's probably already gone to your doctor to ...
The mouth muscles tighten and send pain to the area behind the eyes. If you have been treated ...
Back pain and burning sensation are symptoms of a UTI that could be caused by an STD. Back ...
Headaches and back pain can be caused by many problems - anything from a simple or more serious ...
Go to an internist to perform a thorough examination, as there are many possible causes of these symptoms. ...
You may have a rectal problem, such as a crack etc.. Please consult your doctor for you possibly ...