The occurrence of headache and abdominal pain most likely is due to have stopped taking birth control pills ...
Your doctor will have to keep looking until your symptoms can be explained adequately. Request a second opinion ...
This is an infection in your scalp for having scratched so much, and now her lymph glands are ...
Could the parotid gland? The truth is we can not provide individualized medical advice, especially without a medical ...
It could be caused by bites bedbugs, by exposure to certain plant, etc. Consult a dermatologist!
I recommend that you call if surgeon.
Either there is no longer pregnant, you need performed an analysis of the levels of gonadotropin and progesterone, ...
Look for other possible causes. Check with your doctor.
Life - Grow it simple pregnancy test . Most pregnancy tests using urine test positive even BEFORE the ...
Without previously knowing the full medical history of a person and the pattern of your menstrual cycle, it ...
The pain in his chest and his back should be investigated further. In my humble opinion , quitting ...
The pain of low back pain is usually caused by a strained muscle or vertebrae problems in the ...
Chances are you have a delay in menstruation and that is caused by stress. Some types of cramps ...
You might be pregnant. Should see your family doctor or your gynecologist for a checkup done . There ...
Many women experience mild pain or some discomfort but yours sounds excessive . At this point in your ...
There are many reasons why you may be experiencing pain, so it is best to perform a physical ...
First make sure to rule out a cardiac etiology . Do not assume that your chest pain is ...
There are several factors that could cause redness on the back of their hands. These causes include sun ...
It usually happens when smoking or just after having left. You may have some swelling, infection or fluid ...
Although menstruation after a missed period is usually very uncomfortable , these symptoms could also be caused by ...
Chickenpox is not the only viral rash that may have. There are a number of other viruses that ...
It is difficult to diagnose strep throat infection based only on clinical symptoms. You need to go to ...
It could be caused by a herniated disc , spinal arthritis , or something called spinal stenosis, among ...
This could indicate that has a gastrointestinal problem unless proven otherwise .
Not sure if your symptoms may be caused by an aneurysm. The aneurysm usually does not cause any ...