See your doctor so that he can evaluate her neck problems as they may be pressing the nerves ...
You might be experiencing various ailments or just two . Constipation can cause stomach pains. The leg pain ...
First, large breasts require a good support system . Make sure you buy good quality bras that fit ...
There are a number of factors that could cause these symptoms - cramping can cause somatic symptoms and ...
This is not a description of psoriasis. This description is consistent with a rather extensive allergic reaction such ...
If your symptoms arose suddenly and without performing any vigorous use of muscles , such as gardening or ...
The sciatic nerve runs through the buttock area (his back) , along the back of his leg and ...
The place where the rash does not indicate anything about food allergies. Hives can occur anywhere on the ...
The pain at night , with activity above the head or stretching his arms behind his back , ...
The pressure in the L4 nerve causes pain in the front of the thighs. It could be a ...
We are concerned that can be addressed in " thoracic outlet syndrome " , but the person who ...
Without a complete medical history and physical exam plus possibly some tests , it is impossible to diagnose ...
Do you sleep well at night ? Is pressed or grind their teeth at night? Do you wake ...
We highly recommend him to see a doctor recommend . It should make a full assessment immediately, including ...
We are certainly seeing many viral diseases involving cough and phlegm. But it seems to be suffering . ...
Asthma symptoms appear , you need an inhaler.
There are many causes of back pain : muscle strain , arthritis, herniated disc , sciatica, stones or ...
It is common to develop ... back pain after a foot or ankle limping due to the fact ...
Go see your doctor . You need to perform upper gastrointestinal series to find out if the GERD ...
This is definitely something you should see a doctor. These same symptoms may be related to a problem ...
I doubt that these three symptoms are related . It could be tomorrow dizzy from being dehydrated , ...
These are symptoms that could be potentially serious . You should discuss these symptoms with your doctor. This ...
Symptoms and concerns like these require a thorough evaluation by your physician. Only after this evaluation , which ...
I can not be sure the information you have, but it is unlikely that the case of arthritis ...
You may have something called "central sensitization " . Is that the way your brain to process information ...