Both a good cardiologist and / or a good neurologist would be the answer. And think Pheochromocytoma if ...
He has described the classic signs of a serious liver disease. Yellowing of the eyes is called jaundice ...
Fibromyalgia Symptoms : Muscle pain , muscle spasms or tightness / weakness in arms and legs, leg cramps ...
.... Or hives triggered by exercise . I suggest you see your doctor or go to the ER.
The most likely cause could be a pinched nerve . The nerve endings of the feet are the ...
Check with your doctor , perhaps you will know why it has an analytical cramps.
Call and see a gynecologist immediately , do not wait. If the pressure gets too high you you ...
Have several symptoms , I recommend going to the doctor . The tightness should be evaluated , may ...
It would be helpful to have your medical history. Numbness of the feet is a neuropathy. Fatigue and ...
These are serious problems , mean damage to the spinal cord or nerve compression . Bowel or bladder ...
Consult your neurologist might be a relapse.
If you're not happy with your doctor , get a second opinion .
Take him to the emergency room right now.
Check with your doctor .
Make sure you stay well hydrated. If symptoms persist see your doctor .
It is impossible to diagnose you with this description of the symptoms , there are many possible explanations. ...
Some nerve injuries take a long time to heal, there are some that do not. In general, as ...
You are anxious or stressed . One of the most common causes for numbness in hands and feet ...
The compression of the nerves in the spine can give numbness and weakness in arms and legs. You ...
Must be migraines. Check with your doctor .
I 'm not sure what your question is . Am not sure what you are asking . The ...
Your symptoms and medical history suggest an autoimmune disorder. Although blood tests have been negative they are not ...
Since more than 20 years ago you are diabetic, you should know that there are more likely to ...
Do not know your diagnosis. However, a combination of back pain, abdominal pain and increased red blood cells ...
Chronic pain and swelling , headaches and numbness or tingling in the extremities suggest an inflammatory disorder (autoimmune ...