He is describing a pattern of symptoms that require investigation. An MRI of the brain would be a ...
The role of the emergency physician is to check immediately if you have extremely serious ailment. They perform ...
Hello, described a number of different symptoms. If you have not went to his doctor last year for ...
Both a good cardiologist and / or a good neurologist would be the answer. And think Pheochromocytoma if ...
Since your question did last week , you have probably searched for a solution to their problems. If ...
Fibromyalgia Symptoms : Muscle pain , muscle spasms or tightness / weakness in arms and legs, leg cramps ...
By your symptoms seem to have a viral or bacterial infection. It is important to be evaluated by ...
Anxiety can cause symptoms in almost every organ system. The numbness in the arms and hands may be ...
.... Or hives triggered by exercise . I suggest you see your doctor or go to the ER.
Check with your doctor , perhaps you will know why it has an analytical cramps.
The most likely cause could be a pinched nerve . The nerve endings of the feet are the ...
There are several drugs that work . For backaches note , exercise , physiotherapy or chiropractic or osteopathic ...
By stretching changes occur in the body, sometimes give symptoms. You can have a column stenosis or narrowing ...
Call and see a gynecologist immediately , do not wait. If the pressure gets too high you you ...
Have several symptoms , I recommend going to the doctor . The tightness should be evaluated , may ...
To be diagnosed you need to go to the doctor.
An acute crisis in multiple sclerosis can cause numbness or paralysis. Other causes could be considered.
I understand that you are asking for a NCV ( Nerve Conduction Velocity ) . This test only ...
Check with your doctor .
It is impossible to diagnose you with this description of the symptoms , there are many possible explanations. ...
You should make a check could be serious as an aneurysm or a circulatory problem .
You are anxious or stressed . One of the most common causes for numbness in hands and feet ...
The criteria for diagnosing fibromyalgia is based on the criterion of rheumatology 1990 school : you have 11 ...
The compression of the nerves in the spine can give numbness and weakness in arms and legs. You ...
A sudden pain and weakness in the neck, shoulders , forearms and hands may be due to a ...