Absolutely this could be a problem of middle or inner ear . Ask a ENT hour early.
I understand that you have already made a checkup and they found nothing . Consider a consultation with ...
Anxiety can involve mental, emotional and physical symptoms. These commonly appear in the respiratory system , and in ...
Have you taken the necessary tests to confirm the type of seizure ? Stress indirectly affect begins seizure ...
Worth a checkup. They could be diseases like diabetes or vitamin deficiencies. It could also be a systemic ...
Not sure what you have, but it is not runny nose . I recommend getting a second opinion ...
Not in your head and prevents anyone to suggest you the same. These symptoms are associated with many ...
The dizziness worth a doctor's visit. That is his priority now, please consult a doctor promptly .
Unexplained headaches can be a symptom that occurs dangerous and a clinic or emergency room evaluation , a ...
I'm sorry you do not feel well . There are several possible explanations for your symptoms, such as ...
Vertigo - is the sensation of movement when you stand really - can be caused by various diseases ...
The most common causes of pain in that region may be by a stroke, an accident or a ...
The symptoms reported in isolation, are extremely frequent and common to many tables (Per anxiety can be responsible ...
It could be anyone. Your doctor may take a sample of your throat and perform tests to rule ...
A sinusistis can cause flare some of these symptoms, can also be temporomandibular joint problems. I would recommend ...
These symptoms may be the cause for a lot of diseases. I do not know if you have ...
It seems to be an infection. You should see a doctor if your chest pain and shortness of ...
Check with your doctor. The brain and nerves of the spine or neck needs a checkup.
Check with your doctor. It could be migraines, occipital neuralgia, cervical radiculopatias or even a pinched nerve in ...
The best thing you can do is to consult with a surgeon who specializes in the treatment of ...
Many causes. It could be a strep throat infection, flu, sinus infection, and an infection of the upper ...
You probably have an infection of the upper respiratory tract. Ibuprofen usually helps.
If symptoms last for a few days and then only improvement could be just a viral syndrome. If ...
The symptoms of headache, and dizziness are too little to be able to give specific advice. For example, ...
This is a very common pattern we see in people who have problems at the top of his ...