Trust normal results ANA tests, thyroid, calcium, B12 and syphilis. Do not follow any diet that is fashionable ...
It could be a variety of ailments. See your doctor.
The best test for fibromyalgia is to conduct a complete physical examination by a medical specialist in fibromyalgia ...
Described a symptom called orthostatic hypotension in which low blood pressure blow when one moves suddenly to an ...
If you are taking medications that can cause this constipation, it is likely that a low-fiber diet is ...
You might be experiencing various ailments or just two . Constipation can cause stomach pains. The leg pain ...
It could be contact dermatitis .
There are many possible causes, and several types of viral infection as a contact or allergic reaction , ...
Although there are many causes that could cause numbness, symptoms that are being developed so quickly could be ...
This is definitely something you should see a doctor. These same symptoms may be related to a problem ...
You may have something called "central sensitization " . Is that the way your brain to process information ...
As you probably already know , an underlying infection often leads to an outbreak of psoriasis. ( Psoriasis ...
Send a basing on symptoms alone is difficult to answer . Does obesity or diabetes? Since the burning ...
The bloody diarrhea should be assessed urgently. It is possible that it is caused by Giardia Lambia after ...
There are other causes of neuropathy besides diabetes . If sensory problems have also spread to his genitals ...
I feel it is so uncomfortable. His back pain, leg , and numbness in her legs could be ...
Should return a new MRI done to get new pictures of your neck to determine whether the top ...
He is describing a pattern of symptoms that require investigation. An MRI of the brain would be a ...
Obviously we can not make a diagnosis here live when doctors that have seen themselves could not do ...
Sciatica is a pain in the back and legs caused by compression of the sciatic nerve as it ...
Although you may have influenza or other viruses, because these symptoms mimic myocarditis ; recommend that you be ...
How old are you ? How heavy ? These symptoms are not easy to locate and require a ...
Both a good cardiologist and / or a good neurologist would be the answer. And think Pheochromocytoma if ...
He has described the classic signs of a serious liver disease. Yellowing of the eyes is called jaundice ...
Started .... if the legs could be more than a simple allergy. Does it hurt ? Do you ...