Fibromyalgia Symptoms : Muscle pain , muscle spasms or tightness / weakness in arms and legs, leg cramps ...
By your symptoms seem to have a viral or bacterial infection. It is important to be evaluated by ...
Muscle spasms are usually caused by vitamin deficiencies , low levels of electrolytes, overuse ( intense exercise ) ...
Check with your doctor , perhaps you will know why it has an analytical cramps.
The most likely cause could be a pinched nerve . The nerve endings of the feet are the ...
You seem to have an acute episode of contact dermatitis, you need to go to a dermatologist as ...
An acute crisis in multiple sclerosis can cause numbness or paralysis. Other causes could be considered.
Consult your dermatologist can be many things : skin infection , insect bites , allergies by changing cream ...
Consult your neurologist might be a relapse.
If you're not happy with your doctor , get a second opinion .
I understand that you are asking for a NCV ( Nerve Conduction Velocity ) . This test only ...
Your doctors may be right with this diagnosis. However, if you are not satisfied you could order an ...
The neck and lower back are covered with small muscles. These can become stressed with regular movements , ...
Convulsions , tremors, numbness and itchy skin are nervous symptoms . Check with your doctor or neurologist to ...
Check with your doctor .
In August 2009, the American scientific society reported the correlation between gluten intolerance , leaky gut and autoimmune ...
It is impossible to diagnose you with this description of the symptoms , there are many possible explanations. ...
You are anxious or stressed . One of the most common causes for numbness in hands and feet ...
It is very normal MMR contains tetanus. If you have never put a tetanus injection have pain for ...
The compression of the nerves in the spine can give numbness and weakness in arms and legs. You ...
Due to the generality of your pain you should go to the doctor for a checkup and possibly ...
Visit to a doctor specializing in infectious diseases and a dermatologist.
Whenever you feel heaviness in the chest with numbness should go to the doctor immediately.
I 'm not sure what your question is . Am not sure what you are asking . The ...
You need to see a doctor urgently, there is no reason to wait.