Check with your obstetrician. It may be an infection or kidney stone, a herniated disc, arthritis or other ...
If there is a herniated disc tingling that you have pinched a nerve.
I understand that the image you saw was white over black, this means the white spots where there ...
If you have pain on the right side and will radiates is not the sacroiliac joint. It is ...
A pain running down your buttocks to the legs may be a pinched nerve in the lower back. ...
Lumbar and lower abdominal pain associated with kidney problems or gallbladder. The headache may also occur. Check with ...
Dark urine with pain suggests that it may have a UTI and may also indicate dehydration with or ...
Check with your doctor, but this is not an atypical pain.
The kidneys produce pain in the upper back, your lower back pain has nothing to do with the ...
The most likely not have a connection. There are many causes of itching from hemorrhoids to eczema. The ...
Constant pain early in the second quarter may be due to pain caused by the round ligament. By ...
If you have not yet had her period, a home pregnancy test should be performed. If negative, it ...
Whenever there is possibility of pregnancy should perform a pregnancy test. Since you have bad cramps and back ...
Many people often feel sore and experience more pain when they start exercising, especially if you are in ...
You need to see a doctor, but one of the most common causes of your symptoms is usually ...
These symptoms may be indicative of an infectious process. Possibly a urinary tract or vagina. The colorless fluid ...
I can not determine if your injury is a cyst only from this description. I'll assume (tell me ...
That's a very complicated situation. The abortions are often associated with bleeding and cramping. If a patient has ...
Need to see a gynecologist immediately to perform a complete evaluation including a pelvic exam. You may require ...
Yes, you should definitely go to their gynecologist. Some women feel more pressure, but it seems that the ...
Many of your symptoms - fatigue, sore lower back, joint pain, abdominal pain - can be seen in ...
When you say that a complete hysterectomy was performed, I assume he meant he also removed the ovaries. ...
I've seen that made this question several months ago, so it's probably already gone to your doctor to ...
Go to an internist to perform a thorough examination, as there are many possible causes of these symptoms. ...
Most likely not have a connection, but since you have mild fever with sore neck and back, I ...