Pregnancy can always be a possibility. Buy yourself and make a home pregnancy test. They tend to be ...
These symptoms can only be properly diagnosed by performing a thorough medical evaluation. This may include testing laboratory ...
Needs to be examined and a pregnancy test should be performed. You could be pregnant or you could ...
Definitely could be symptoms of an abortion. See your gynecologist.
It is unlikely to be associated with pain in the lower back. Most likely it is related to ...
It's definitely something suspicious. Looks like it's time for a pregnancy test done.
This could be a viral gastroenteritis, but since you are pregnant, you should make sure there is nothing ...
The pain at night, especially while sleeping, and tingling in the legs is usually not a typical back ...
These are common symptoms of a viral syndrome. You have symptoms that could be serious and you should ...
Stress can definitely increase the tension of the muscles throughout your body, including those in the lower back. ...
Definitely requires medical attention, it is not an emergency but it is urgent.
There are many possibilities, and your doctor will want to investigate. Want to ensure that no water broke. ...
Has there been any diagnostic test image of the pelvis, such as an ultrasound or a CT scan? ...
It is usually caused by a strain of the muscles of the ribs and chest muscles in addition ...
The results will greatly assist in predicting what happens.
Both pain worth a visit to the GP.
Your doctor will have to keep looking until your symptoms can be explained adequately. Request a second opinion ...
I recommend that you call if surgeon.
Either there is no longer pregnant, you need performed an analysis of the levels of gonadotropin and progesterone, ...
Life - Grow it simple pregnancy test . Most pregnancy tests using urine test positive even BEFORE the ...
Without previously knowing the full medical history of a person and the pattern of your menstrual cycle, it ...
The pain of low back pain is usually caused by a strained muscle or vertebrae problems in the ...
Many women experience mild pain or some discomfort but yours sounds excessive . At this point in your ...
It could be caused by a herniated disc , spinal arthritis , or something called spinal stenosis, among ...
This could indicate that has a gastrointestinal problem unless proven otherwise .