Hello. I can not diagnose if you are pregnant . Pregnancy symptoms usually start soon after or the ...
Sciatica is a pain in the back and legs caused by compression of the sciatic nerve as it ...
These symptoms are very disturbing and should be immediately examined by a doctor. Acute in the low back ...
First you should know that all the problems you are experiencing may not have relationship. Before listing the ...
Since we only have one kidney , you really need to be proactive with your urinary tract symptoms ...
He has described the classic signs of a serious liver disease. Yellowing of the eyes is called jaundice ...
By your symptoms seem to have a viral or bacterial infection. It is important to be evaluated by ...
See a neurologist to make a thorough examination !
For this cause , constipation should have lasted a long time, but if you have been having difficulty ...
Would not surprise me to have these symptoms just two weeks after surgery . However, you should really ...
It could be a coronary heart disease, angina or chest or an aortic dissecting aneurysm . I would ...
Your symptoms may indicate an abdominal aortic aneurysm, and if you had 60, almost assured. But it would ...
You seem to have an acute episode of contact dermatitis, you need to go to a dermatologist as ...
Check with your doctor . Many women have changes in their periods , their loss or a fault ...
You see your doctor , you need a checkup.
Problems in the lower back .
Does that happen every day or just before or during or after your cycle ? I need more ...
You sure you're not pregnant , partial hysterectomy stopping you . You just have no cervix uterus. Or ...
If the pressure hurts teeth and radiates to the ears and neck might have an abscess or caries. ...
The neck and lower back are covered with small muscles. These can become stressed with regular movements , ...
Looks like you have a back injury , this causes the pressure on nerves that goes to the ...
This is a fairly common pain. There are many reasons , I recommend you visit a physiotherapist.
You should make another test , early failures may be false negative if the test is done too ...
The stones in the gallbladder pain may radiate to the shoulder blades. The kidney stone pain can radiate ...
Back pain along with other symptoms indicate nerve impingement of the sacrum. Check with your doctor .