Go to the emergency room immediately. Amaurosis fugax (shortsightedness) means a drop of blood into the veins of ...
Since your symptoms have lasted several weeks, you need to go to a doctor to be able to ...
The mouth muscles tighten and send pain to the area behind the eyes. If you have been treated ...
These are not symptoms of a grade III Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. When the circuit is overloaded brain due to ...
I hope this has not been happening for a long time because it sounds horrible. If it was ...
A home pregnancy test is often positive a week after you miss your period. Repeat the pregnancy test ...
All these symptoms could be caused both by a dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint as a transient myeloproliferative ...
Although many patients do not usually have problems with your normal diet after gallbladder surgery, many do have ...
Go to your dentist, it can treat your problem: ATM
The role of the emergency physician is to check immediately if you have extremely serious ailment. They perform ...
Your symptoms could be a viral infection. Fatigue, swollen glands and inflammation of the thyroid infection fit . ...
Swollen tonsils cause pressure in your ears, blocking the Eustachian tubes that connect the middle ear to the ...
You need to see a GP . You may need a chest x- ray or other tests , ...
You might have a sinus infection or acute bronchitis. You should go to the doctor to prescribe you ...
A simple test for food allergies and skin tests are not enough. Should be tested for food intolerance ...
The symptoms you describe can be due to multiple causes, and almost none can justify all den together. ...
The pain and inflammation and cervical paratracheal level at ear level is usually caused by increased volume of ...
Without being able to examine you I can not diagnose you. Check with your doctor, the possibilities are ...
Looks like a viral flu. Treat symptoms and consult your doctor.
There are many reasons why you may be having this pain. Most importantly, you need to see your ...
The cold air can constrict the bronchi and cause coughing or wheezing. The pain may be caused by ...
The first step is to do a physical examination to rule out heart disease, vascular, neurologic, and then ...