The symptoms you describe could be anything from an infection to cancer. These symptoms worry me and no ...
Many people have no symptoms until they are in advanced stages. The first symptoms are: gas, pain, fullness ...
I think I may have made a typo in your question. A temperature of 95.5 ° F is ...
Your body aches and diarrhea should not be related to the thyroid. I guess your thyroid cancer was ...
The good news is that it has made an appointment with your doctor. The earlier a diagnosis before ...
Although changes in bowel habits can be a good indicator of colon cancer, it could also mean other ...
The intention to use a contrast fluid in contrast tomography of the pelvis is " filling the bladder ...
There is no relationship between head trauma and the development of cancer.
If you have not seen your doctor since you asked this question , I suggest you do so. ...
Diarrhea after having constipation may have caused an anal fissure, which would explain the bright red blood. What ...
I feel that is not good. It seems you are experiencing multiple problems unrelated to have conspired together ...
The role of the emergency physician is to check immediately if you have extremely serious ailment. They perform ...
PLEASE discuss this with your pediatrician. It is very disturbing to have so many symptoms with only 10 ...
Let me cut to the chase . Acute abdominal pain , black stools and weight loss may be ...
Abdominal cramps and rectal bleeding may be caused by various problems. One is rectal cancer. Check with your ...
Lung nodules can appear in : Cancer , calcified spots ... A blockage in the inferior vena cava ...
Looks more like a residual cough after a virus or it could be whooping cough which is not ...
Probably not cancer but should have a gynecological follow . It could be endometriosis , ovarian torsion . ...
It is quite difficult to get an erection when you have pain. Psychological factors could be due to ...
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease is not a genetic disease. Do not know how old are you? These ...
Some cysts are serous cystadenomas and are precursors of cancer. Any cyst that persists more than 2-3 periods ...
Ovarian cancer is rare in young women . However , ovarian cysts are very common. And there's a ...
Chances are that it is a lymph node. Lymph nodes may be enlarged by an infection (eg the ...
Obesity affects the digestive system as follows: 1) can cause gastric reflux or heartburn because of the pressure ...
Any vaginal bleeding in a postmenopausal woman requires medical evaluation, as there is the possibility that it is ...