Overall, lymphadenopathy (swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes due to infection or inflammation) is passed in about ...
More than food poisoning gastroenteritis viral seems, although both are possible. If symptoms do not disappear within a ...
In general, food poisoning usually lasts about 3-5 days, although there may be exceptions.
The enterotoxigenic E. coli is the most likely bacterial cause , the family of rotavirus would be the ...
It is unlikely that the case of food poisoning as the causative agent usually takes 4-12 hours to ...
Go see your gynecologist now . Chances are that advises rehydrated with fluids and solutions. It depends on ...
These terms are probably interchangeable.
The salted and dried for most chips nature make them unlikely sources for food poisoning because it is ...
No mention if " you are going to the bathroom often," referring to urinate and / or defecate ...
Some headaches - particularly migraines - can cause vomiting and dizziness, so it could be simply a manifestation ...
The bloody diarrhea is always a worrying sign . When associated with vomiting and fever, foodborne illness ( ...
Although it is impossible to be sure without examining you, seems to have had an episode of gastroenteritis ...
Blood pressure goes up when there is pain , it is more likely that gastrointestinal problems made ​​up ...
You could continue dehydrated , drink plenty of fluids. However, back pain can be caused by other things. ...
The meat undercooked pork is a common cause of food poisoning. In a few days you will feel ...
The consumption of raw oysters is a common cause of food poisoning. Usually, bacteria of the family is ...
Abdominal pain that moves to the back can be: appendicitis (pain in right quadrant), gastroenteritis ( intestinal flu ...
The most likely cause for these symptoms is an acute viral gastroenteritis. Acute gastroenteritis is a self-limited disease ...