Check with your obstetrician. It may be an infection or kidney stone, a herniated disc, arthritis or other ...
If there is a herniated disc tingling that you have pinched a nerve.
When you hit your head on a hard surface experience pain and symptoms in the neck . I ...
It could be caused by a herniated disc , spinal arthritis , or something called spinal stenosis, among ...
There are many causes of back pain : muscle strain , arthritis, herniated disc , sciatica, stones or ...
It could be caused by a herniated disc in the cervical spine. Should I see a spine specialist ...
There are many causes of back pain : injury, arthritis , kidney stones , a herniated disc , ...
Hello, you may have a herniated disc in the thoracic region is affecting the nerves that extend across ...
I would recommend you see a surgeon . You probably have a herniated disc that is pinching the ...
You might have injured your neck or shoulder. A herniated disc in the lower cervical can cause chest ...
The main issue involved here is the progressive muscle atrophy and weakness secondary to compression of the nerves, ...
No, it's not normal. Back pain can be tension, kidney stones, arthritis, herniated disc or other causes. Check ...
These symptoms suggest that the spine is being compressed, you need to check whether it is cancer or ...
The numbness is probably explained by a nerve is irritated or rubbed by other structures in the neck. ...