It is unlikely to be associated with pain in the lower back. Most likely it is related to ...
Fever and recently has had a cesarean section, you should see a gynecologist who attended him during childbirth.
There are many possibilities, and your doctor will want to investigate. Want to ensure that no water broke. ...
Has there been any diagnostic test image of the pelvis, such as an ultrasound or a CT scan? ...
Constipation happens when someone defecates very hard stools. A person can go to the bathroom one day every ...
As with most skin problems, the doctor needs to see the problem in person to determine what it ...
You probably have a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, which could be verily flu. Need to ...
It seems you may have a sinus infection with nasal congestion and pressure of the breast may be ...
This is an infection in your scalp for having scratched so much, and now her lymph glands are ...
I can not improve the diagnosis to be made a doctor who has examined you in person. It ...
The blood is mixed with saliva can come from any area of ​​the upper respiratory system or digestive ...
Although it is unusual to have a flu or a viral infection of flu season style , it ...
It seems you may have a viral infection, but this is only speculation. Doctors need a detailed history, ...
Go to an otolaryngologist for you to do a review of the vestibular portion of the ear .
Pregnancies can be complicated and should always be carefully evaluated by your gynecologist. Treatment for infection requires careful ...
There are many causes of chest pain , fever, and hot flashes. So more information is required. Fever, ...
It usually happens when smoking or just after having left. You may have some swelling, infection or fluid ...
It is difficult to diagnose strep throat infection based only on clinical symptoms. You need to go to ...
A lump behind the ear with neck stiffness is unlikely to be caused by an ear infection without ...
Need to see a doctor and needs to be examined to determine the cause of dizziness associated with ...
It could be a viral disease unrelated or mastitis (infection of the breast tissue ) . If you ...
There are many possible causes, and several types of viral infection as a contact or allergic reaction , ...
The salted and dried for most chips nature make them unlikely sources for food poisoning because it is ...
These terms are probably interchangeable.
If you have been sick for 10 weeks should see an infectious disease doctor. This is very common ...