By your symptoms seem to have a viral or bacterial infection. It is important to be evaluated by ...
The bloody diarrhea is always a worrying sign . When associated with vomiting and fever, foodborne illness ( ...
Will need further testing , including an allergy test to treat your symptoms appropriately. I guess he has ...
It seems that it is a viral infection. Have you seen your doctor for specific tests to assess ...
If this is a symptoms are acute viral infection. If you have a history of allergies , then ...
Perhaps it is a viral throat infection , which would be best. Excessive salivation is worrying. If you ...
Check with your doctor . Does the headache pain comes from the back of his head that goes ...
Consult your dermatologist can be many things : skin infection , insect bites , allergies by changing cream ...
Check with your doctor , it does seem an infection.
When these secretions can travel constipated by the eustachian tubes to the ears, causing pain and blockage . ...
See a dentist as soon as possible , an infection of the teeth need antibiotics.
If they made you all relevant evidence and a good physical examination , then it really is a ...
It seems a serious chest infection . See a doctor.
Looks like an infection like sinusitis or an infection in the inner ear. Check with your doctor .
A tumors, neuritis , stroke, benign positional vertigo , Meniere's disease . Check with your doctor .
The severe headache with neck pain and vomiting may be due to migraine , bleeding , a tumor ...
If you've never had one like symptoms you should see a doctor. Could be sinusitis, a problem in ...
You may have a bladder infection or cystitis with flu, is an explanation for all the symptoms at ...
Your question is very broad , but leukocytes in urine and fever is an infection of the urinary ...
Maybe you have a pulled muscle or airways are inflamed by coughing , infection ... Let the medication ...
An infection in the lungs , airways or pleuritis are possible. Probably not very serious but see your ...
So are you telling me seems an infection, back pain could be a urinary tract infection. Check with ...
It is very normal MMR contains tetanus. If you have never put a tetanus injection have pain for ...
Medicines removed the infection ( scabies) but lower inflammation takes a few days . You could look for ...
Your symptoms could be a viral infection. Fatigue, swollen glands and inflammation of the thyroid infection fit . ...