Surprisingly bacterial pneumonia infection is less contagious but more worrying. Check with your doctor .
These symptoms can be severe. Check with your doctor .
Swollen tonsils cause pressure in your ears, blocking the Eustachian tubes that connect the middle ear to the ...
Do not know your diagnosis. However, a combination of back pain, abdominal pain and increased red blood cells ...
Have you had a urinary tract infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, previous history ? Do you have abdominal pain? ...
This does not look like a backache . It could be a kidney infection. The safest answer is ...
As I explain you've had two almost simultaneous infections. Who first had the flu does not mean you're ...
I think the rash is due to giving him any medication or taking still ongoing , it can ...
You might have a sinus infection or acute bronchitis. You should go to the doctor to prescribe you ...
In my opinion should improve within 72 hours . If symptoms persist see your doctor.
If MRSA infection is moderate, some of the symptoms that may be present are : headache, general ill ...
This is a very difficult question because the symptoms can be caused by many things . It is ...
Most respiratory infections are caused by viruses , viral infections usually disappear within a week or so. However, ...
Yes, you should be seen by a doctor. Looks like an infection, possibly MRSA ( Staphylococcus aureus resistant ...
If you usually have low blood pressure, these symptoms may be completely normal. If blood pressure is low ...
Not in your head and prevents anyone to suggest you the same. These symptoms are associated with many ...
Many people develop flu symptoms within 4 weeks after HIV infection . You have not mentioned your age ...
It would be reasonable to repeat the pregnancy test in this situation. Use first morning urine , as ...
Fungal rhinosinusitis may be the underlying cause of chronic sinusitis. Fungal sinusitis can also cause symptoms that might ...
I think that depression may be associated with a good portion of their symptoms , with the onset ...
Should go to the emergency room to see if this anemic or have any intra-abdominal infection .
For the location of your pain could be a kidney infection. He should see a doctor .
Perhaps due to colitis or infection. Are there any foods that you 're sitting wrong? Try to follow ...
Vertigo - is the sensation of movement when you stand really - can be caused by various diseases ...
Unfortunately , without an examination and more information , it is very difficult to determine the cause of ...