Your symptoms do not seem helicobacter infection. If your doctor believe that this possibility would have to make ...
Hives not usually accompanied by small blisters with black dots in the center unless it be impetigo. I'm ...
Overall, lymphadenopathy (swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes due to infection or inflammation) is passed in about ...
It seems you may have a sinus infection with nasal congestion and pressure of the breast may be ...
This is an infection in your scalp for having scratched so much, and now her lymph glands are ...
It could be a viral disease unrelated or mastitis (infection of the breast tissue ) . If you ...
If the infection has persisted over 7-10 days probably need antibiotics . The saline nasal spray might help ...
It is very difficult to determine if your symptoms are related to your surgery. From my own experience ...
Check with your doctor . Does the headache pain comes from the back of his head that goes ...
You seem to have bacteremia, are probably all related. Maybe you should change antibiotics. Check with your doctor.
See a dentist as soon as possible , an infection of the teeth need antibiotics.
Acne can occur in several ways , especially in the neck and chest. There are some creams or ...
Maybe you have a pulled muscle or airways are inflamed by coughing , infection ... Let the medication ...
Viral or bacterial meningitis can sometimes be preceded by respiratory infections. Check with your doctor as soon as ...
As I explain you've had two almost simultaneous infections. Who first had the flu does not mean you're ...
You might have a sinus infection or acute bronchitis. You should go to the doctor to prescribe you ...
In my opinion should improve within 72 hours . If symptoms persist see your doctor.
Tables of generalized symptoms as reflected in the question, often translate any type of flu-like viral infection. In ...
Dizziness and headaches may be associated with wisdom teeth, however, many other conditions could also cause dizziness and ...
Since your question was almost a week ago, you have probably searched for a solution to your problem. ...
This really looks like a strep throat infection. Should seek advice from your doctor to get an exam ...
You may have developed an infection in the middle ear after his initial illness several weeks ago. His ...