Back Pain Causes : stress, sciatica , arthritis , herniated discs , kidney stones or different infections. Check ...
Swollen tonsils cause pressure in your ears, blocking the Eustachian tubes that connect the middle ear to the ...
Check with your doctor to find and treat the cause .
Are these new symptoms or and you had? In every way , see your doctor .
If indicated yes it is . Especially if it is hard to evacuate because it increases abdominal pressure ...
Must be migraines. Check with your doctor .
Visit to a doctor specializing in infectious diseases and a dermatologist.
Pain in the lower back may be a sign of fibromyalgia, but there is usually more involved muscle ...
Probably not cancer but should have a gynecological follow . It could be endometriosis , ovarian torsion . ...
The negative pregnancy test after 7 days late is reliable. Eight test this out. I think it's impossible ...
For drinking. You can have alcohol poisoning .
I 'm not sure what your question is . Am not sure what you are asking . The ...
Whenever you feel heaviness in the chest with numbness should go to the doctor immediately.
Based on your symptoms are more of a problem. I'm worried about the difficulty swallowing and neurological symptoms ...
I suspect you have the pinched nerve , you need to see the doctor.
Need more information for diagnosis. Check with your doctor .
You need to see a doctor urgently, there is no reason to wait.
I would recommend you see a surgeon . You probably have a herniated disc that is pinching the ...
It is quite difficult to get an erection when you have pain. Psychological factors could be due to ...
Your symptoms and medical history suggest an autoimmune disorder. Although blood tests have been negative they are not ...
If you had a normal period , you are not pregnant. However, if there is any doubt about ...
The postoperative intervention neck or shoulder can be painful. Pains are caused by the separation of the vertebrae ...
You have 13 years should tell your parent and teach them the blood in the stool and abdominal ...
As you probably know , an electro is simply a visual representation of the electrical activity of the ...
Pain and stiffness in the neck, pain in your shoulders and arms may be caused by a cervical ...