I have blisters on the hands, feet, neck, chest and rear. Very itchy, my skin becomes red and really itchy. This started very suddenly, I used to have a few points with some itching in the hands, but now my skin itches a lot and immediately I get much more points.
There are many skin diseases that cause itching and blisters, including dermatitis herpetiformis (usually associated with celiac disease); foliaceus and bullous pemphigoid (autoimmune diseases), and porphyria (inherited disorders of heme metabolism). Your symptoms may be caused by a DH, although the distribution of the rash is not classical. (The affected areas are usually the elbows, knees, buttocks and back). To perform a diagnostic serological tests (blood tests) and possibly a skin biopsy is required. If you suspect that the cause is celiac disease will probably recommend an endoscopy. Make an appointment with your doctor. You can not initiate appropriate treatment until the cause of your rash is determined.