I need a pro -bono orthodontist. Wear 6 with dental appliance. I 'm not sure with my previous orthodontist. I need and take them off . I suffer from post traumatic stress disorder and severe depression. I can not work , I'm retired and I have a disability.
I doubt I can find someone to perform orthodontic treatment at no cost. At least remove the braces and get to a dentist to perform basic dental care. Here I give information in two low-cost dental clinics that could help . Call them and explain your situation . Also talk with your local religious organizations to receive some support and emotional support and seek guidance for their medical and psychological needs. Good Luck! All for Health , All for Health, Health for All - GlendaleGlendale, CA - 91205(818) 507-7579AFHs our mission is to plan , evaluate and provide basic health care and social services for residents with inadequate medical care , having residence in Glendale and surrounding communities. Chinatown Service Center - Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA - 90012 (213) 972-8840 Chinatown Service Centerâ € ™ s Medical and Dental Services Division is committed to providing comprehensive and economical health care to all families .