I went to see a new doctor yesterday to treat an ear infection , sore throat and chest pains . I made an electrocardiogram and asked me if I had any heart attack. I explained that my old doctor had sent me to a cardiologist for mitracardial prolapse - but was not sure.
You should see a cardiologist. You may need to go first to their GP . It may be some something called stress test. This test is that you walk on a treadmill or in which he was given medication for " stress " to his heart. The test will provide information on whether or not to have an arterial blockage . Knowing this , doctors can decide whether to do further diagnostic tests. In addition to the stress test , it may also require a picture of your heart (basically an ultrasound ) . This can be done with the stress test or separately. Regardless, should be evaluated by a cardiologist. If everything goes normal, it is likely that your symptoms are due to an anxiety disorder . Good luck.