I'm worried . I spend the day giddy , dizzy and coughing. Today I took the pulse in the neck and pulse were 40-42 . Could it be a problem? I exercise daily and have a floor resting heart rate of about 60 . I have found very rare today ( dizzy, giddy , dry, persistent cough).

  • 1 Answer
  • Dra. Doctuo

    Since your question did a week ago , you may have already searched for a solution to your problem. Its symptoms - dizziness , difficulty breathing, slow heartbeat, etc. . - Are a bit worrying. Your resting heart rate is already at the low range of what is considered "normal " and a viral disease could further slow pulse. At one point , the cardiac output (the amount of blood your heart pumps in a given time ) down to levels that do not provide enough oxygen to your brain and other vital organs . If your slow heart rate is due to a viral infection , symptoms should resolve within days . However, a heart rate of less than 40 may suggest an underlying defect in blood flow (such as a blockage in the "wiring " of the heart), and should consult a doctor.

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