Is it possible to be pregnant? I started my last period on March 11 . My cycles usually last 30 to 32 days. Last Thursday March 22 my husband and I had intercourse and from Saturday 24 have been experiencing nausea , headache , dizziness , lack of appetite and fatigue.
Pregnancy is definitely a possibility and the only way to tell if you are pregnant or not get a pregnancy test. As a doctor , the first thing we do when we hear that a woman is experiencing symptoms of pregnancy, a missed period or a very light irregular bleeding or even spotting is to do a pregnancy test . You can also get a home pregnancy test , provided that they have gone from 5-6 weeks prior normal menstruation , or you can go to see a doctor for it to perform the tests. A home pregnancy has a reliability of 97 % for a week or more is done after the missed period . A blood test can determine if you are pregnant even as little as 7 days after conception , and urine pregnancy test a doctor can determine if you are pregnant just at the time when menstruation should have had he lacked . Good Luck!