Symptoms: coughing, sneezing, sore throat, hoarse voice, dry cough, severe headache, I wake up at night and I can not go back to sleep, fever of 99.1-99.4. What happens to me?

  • 1 Answer
  • 122 visits
  • Dra. Doctuo

    Looks like you are describing an infection of the upper respiratory tract. Influenza or flu often accompanied by muscle aches, and fever up to 100 °. Some describe it as the worst cold of your life. The infection causes strep throat sore throat with fever, swollen tonsils with pus, no cough sore glands. A recent study cites that the average duration of a cold is 18 days. But if you are concerned or if your symptoms are getting worse or if you experience difficulty breathing, go see your doctor.

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