People with depressive symptoms may feel sad, depressed daily rest bad, lack of interest, guilt, lack of energy, ...
Stress, anxiety and depression are all physiological effects - including, in some people, stomach / gastritis irritation. An ...
All these symptoms seem cardiac nature. Should I see a cardiologist to determine if your blood pressure drops ...
Although it is unusual to have a flu or a viral infection of flu season style , it ...
Anxiety and stress can cause many symptoms , including stomach pain , head and chest . Anxiety attacks ...
The pain in his chest and his back should be investigated further. In my humble opinion , quitting ...
Clear . It could be a natural response to the uncertainty of prognosis and possible outcome.
TSH "technically" is in the NORMAL range , while low, so it can not determine that the thyroid ...
Are symptoms constant or come and go ? Are you taking any medications or have thyroid disease ? ...
There are many reasons why you may be experiencing pain, so it is best to perform a physical ...
Could be both , but I think it may be a problem with the heart, and should see ...
These are symptoms that could be potentially serious . You should discuss these symptoms with your doctor. This ...
You may have something called "central sensitization " . Is that the way your brain to process information ...
It is suffering result multifactorial hormonal dysfunction , immune and nerve as a result of genetic predisposition and ...
It seems you are having problems related to PMS or psychotic major depression. Your doctor can help you ...
You can always ask. I came back to accept patients under certain conditions ( to make sure not ...
The possibility of pregnancy is very low if you have had four negative test week after missing her ...
I feel that is not good. For better or worse there are many conditions that share " symptom ...
I feel that is not good. Unfortunately , their symptoms may be caused / triggered by a large ...
There is always a possibility of a false negative out , however has lacked menstruation two months and ...
I'm glad you have come to your family doctor . It would also be reasonable to consult with ...
You may be suffering premenstrual dysphoric disorder . Your gynecologist can get a more detailed history and chronology ...
Hello. Although urticaria is not a typical symptom of alcohol withdrawal , anxiety it is. Hives may be ...
Having hot flashes and night sweats for 7 years must be yucky . Please contact a good family ...
The most common and best documented effects of mold exposure include respiratory symptoms : cough , wheezing , ...