Any vaginal bleeding in a postmenopausal woman requires medical evaluation, and it could be a symptom of endometrial ...
Many other conditions like malaria and influenza could be causing all symptoms of her sister. And unless you ...
I do not think anyone in this forum can give you an accurate unable to examine without performing ...
In general, pregnancy is subject to many symptoms and experiences. The flow and back pain are definitely on ...
Sorry you are going through all this. If the patient has persistent back pain that is not relieved ...
Not sure what the symptoms are acute. Have swelling, redness, fever or nausea? This could mean an infection ...
You have to go immediately to the emergency room with any chest pain and shortness of breath. Any ...
Most likely have scoliosis, which may have been present for a long period of time. It is not ...
It could be a pregnancy. Check with your doctor.
Consult your gynecologist could be hormonal changes or ovarian cysts.
Don't stress too much about the possibility of being pregnant, and you have a lack and symptoms such ...
Many causes can produce these symptoms: fibroids in the uterus, ovarian cysts (benign or malignant), gastrointestinal problems can ...
If these symptoms are happening right now should go to the emergency room. The symptoms of a myocardial ...
Allergies cause itching but do not usually cause back pain, shoulder pain or headache. I'm not sure what ...
Cough with chest pain associated with the movement can sometimes be pleuritis, an inflammation of the lining of ...
Pregnancy may be an explanation. Become a pregnancy test a week after menstruation touch. If it is negative ...
I understand that just returned from the Caribbean, so these symptoms are related to an infection acquired during ...
There are a number of issues to consider here: despite their normal ECG and an analytical 6 weeks ...
Abdominal pain and changes in stool can be due to many different causes. Intestinal influenza infection is the ...
This seems a psychosomatic disorder . These are characterized by a long process ( chronic) in which a ...
I feel that is not good. If your eyes are yellow due to jaundice, this may indicate a ...
It is time to ask for visit to the doctor. There's nothing I can do or say online, ...
You are right, all the symptoms listed are related to the pregnancy. Some women have symptoms even before ...
You have a good number of symptoms. It is difficult to know if they are related or may ...