This is an intriguing problem. It could be that because of a traumatic injury or esophageal hiatal hernia ...
The combination of chest pain with numbness of the left arm and increased symptoms when you are most ...
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are headaches , shortness of breath , chest pain , dizziness and muscle ...
What symptoms would suggest you go to the doctor as soon as possible . Do not delay diagnosis ...
Most likely it is viral. In some women the immune system is weakened during menstruation due to blood ...
Check with your doctor , the symptoms can be very complex .
It may be pneumonia or strep throat.
I would recommend talking to your doctor with this multitude of symptoms.
Which can be solved in 400 characters. Need an appointment with your doctor for a thorough history and ...
If MRSA infection is moderate, some of the symptoms that may be present are : headache, general ill ...
Some of these symptoms can lead to more serious problems if they continue . I would recommend seeing ...
It would be rare that these symptoms are the cause of a heart defect. It is best to ...
With this brief description of the symptoms is impossible to advise you. If you are an adult and ...
Although anything is possible, is unlikely to heart disease or gallbladder disease is diagnosed as fibromyalgia . Because ...
More additional information would be helpful. You say you have neuropathy. Has it been confirmed with an EMG ...
It is unclear what was going on with her ​​contraceptive pills , without more information on this topic ...
These symptoms are not very specific and can indicate many things . It could be heart problems, hormonal ...
You might have injured your neck or shoulder. A herniated disc in the lower cervical can cause chest ...
If you usually have low blood pressure, these symptoms may be completely normal. If blood pressure is low ...
This is a problem that requires a visit to your doctor. On this visit , the doctor will ...
Your question can not be answered online. You should make a full medical checkup.
Chest pains and shortness of breath ( individually or groups ) should be evaluated by a primary care ...
A number of physical disorders can cause these symptoms so I suggest you visit your doctor immediately. It ...
A chronic cough with irritation of the respiratory tract can cause these symptoms . Smoking is the most ...
Many people develop flu symptoms within 4 weeks after HIV infection . You have not mentioned your age ...