Your intestinal tract is irritated and thus alternating between diarrhea and constipation. It could provide relief eliminating dairy ...
If you are taking medications that can cause this constipation, it is likely that a low-fiber diet is ...
Thrombosed hemorrhoids usually hurt a few days until finally solve alone , so it's more likely to experience ...
Rashes produces constipation . A person could have a rash and constipation at the same time , but ...
The thyroid conditions do not cause photophobia , they can cause intolerance to heat and cold , but ...
You might be experiencing various ailments or just two . Constipation can cause stomach pains. The leg pain ...
We highly recommend him to see a doctor recommend . It should make a full assessment immediately, including ...
It is still in the early stages. Be sure to take folic acid , but the bowel irregularities ...
Start by eliminating food from your diet with a high potential for allergy . These include wheat products ...
Unless the patient to take narcotic medications routinely , which itself could cause constipation.
Hello. I'm a little confused and I think I may have only been a few weeks instead of ...
I feel that is wrong. No medical examination is difficult to know what is happening , but could ...
Diarrhea after having constipation may have caused an anal fissure, which would explain the bright red blood. What ...
It may have been a back injury . We recommend rest, take anti-inflammatories ( check with your doctor ...
It is very unlikely to have endometriosis 74 years of age. Your symptoms may be caused by many ...
Any pain in the lower abdominal region should be taken seriously . Looks like you're right in the ...
Since you made your question several days ago, you have probably searched for a solution to their problems. ...
Fibromyalgia Symptoms : Muscle pain , muscle spasms or tightness / weakness in arms and legs, leg cramps ...
There are multiple causes for abdominal pain and you can not answer your question without a full examination ...
For this cause , constipation should have lasted a long time, but if you have been having difficulty ...
You should see your gynecologist for evaluation. Most likely need a stool softener . Dizziness and night sweats ...
These are the common symptoms of constipation.
Iron supplements will give you a black color to your stool and correct the anemia is safer for ...
Constipation is more related to abdominal pain and not with the back . Instead check the frequency of ...
Abdominal cramps and rectal bleeding may be caused by various problems. One is rectal cancer. Check with your ...