Lung nodules can appear in : Cancer , calcified spots ... A blockage in the inferior vena cava ...
The best way to know if you are gluten intolerant is to make a gluten-free diet for a ...
Problems in the digestive tract causing malabsorption of amino acid neurotransmitters are causing anxiety. Consult your physician and ...
These symptoms can be severe. Check with your doctor .
The root of the problem may be a failure of kidney.
If indicated yes it is . Especially if it is hard to evacuate because it increases abdominal pressure ...
I would recommend you see a surgeon . You probably have a herniated disc that is pinching the ...
If you had a normal period , you are not pregnant. However, if there is any doubt about ...
You have 13 years should tell your parent and teach them the blood in the stool and abdominal ...
Without an examination and is more difficult to identify the cause of your symptoms may range from simple ...
Although tapeworms are seen more frequently in developing countries could be. Tapeworms are segmented worms that live in ...
A tug usually hurts with any movement or contraction . Your pain may be due to major problems. ...
You did not mention your age or if you have other medical problems (diabetes, previous abdominal surgery , ...
Please consult your physician for a complete checkup.
Unfortunately no tests, no exploration and no history I can not diagnose . I suggest you go to ...
These symptoms may be due to gas and constipation or a kidney stone. You should consult your doctor ...
There are several symptoms that can take several diagnoses. A detailed clinical history, physical examination and diagnostic tests ...
Without an examination and some tests , it is not possible to determine whether the symptoms are related ...
Thrombosis can cause chronic inflammation of the leg, but usually does not reduce life expectancy .
I have seen many people with these symptoms. It is what we call dysautonomia . The autonomic nervous ...
Not in your head and prevents anyone to suggest you the same. These symptoms are associated with many ...
Need to see a doctor and if you do not, ask someone in your family to recommend you ...
The body can react to stress with toxic reactions. Prone to constipation patients may have a severe reactions ...
You need to go to your doctor examine you what he can properly answer your question .
Perhaps due to colitis or infection. Are there any foods that you 're sitting wrong? Try to follow ...