It's time to see your doctor and perhaps a specialist gastroenterologist. It seems that you can treat irritable ...
Ask your gynecologist to do an ultrasound of the pelvis. Most likely you are fine, but should be ...
Bowel function requires a reasonable effort on our part. I recommend that you include fiber (fruits, vegetables, grains) ...
The young people of 18 years rarely have cancer (paranoia can kill), but may have ovarian cysts, etc. ...
The most common cause of constipation with bright red blood are hemorrhoids. Constipation is due to many causes ...
It could be a bleeding hemorrhoid, maybe you should make a colonoscopy. Check with your doctor.
It seems to be a bout of diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is generated because a diverticulum (bubble or protrusion) of ...
Pain in this area is very complicated as there are many organs: stomach - problems like acid reflux ...
Anything is possible, but your symptoms indicate that you need a gastrointestinal study. The vagus nerve is too ...
Abdominal pain and changes in stool can be due to many different causes. Intestinal influenza infection is the ...
You are right, all the symptoms listed are related to the pregnancy. Some women have symptoms even before ...