You may want to consult with your doctor the possibility of an analysis of blood and even more ...
Normally the flu vaccine causes no symptoms other than a sore arm. Your immune system is your body ...
Patients may experience headaches and dizziness for 6 months after having suffered a head injury. Some develop chronic ...
Call 911 as soon as possible.
Go to a complete medical exam to make sure there is nothing done. After this rest, drink plenty ...
See your doctor to determine what happens.
Where appropriate ask performing an EEG with photic stimulation with light or light to determine if seizures could ...
Yes there is a possibility. If you only had a delay of a week and has not had ...
Contact your doctor immediately!
Trust normal results ANA tests, thyroid, calcium, B12 and syphilis. Do not follow any diet that is fashionable ...
This could be all related to your fibromyalgia. The positive ANA test result may be due to something ...
The attractions of high speed and sudden direction changes can shake your brain and cause bleeding in the ...
Described a symptom called orthostatic hypotension in which low blood pressure blow when one moves suddenly to an ...
Stress , poor diet , smoking , dehydration , anemia, drug interactions , endocrine problems , heart problems ...
It was recently discovered that vitamin C may prove to be an effective aid in blood pressure problems ...
It might be possible , consult your doctor.
Paralysis , numbness , slurred speech and dizziness could all be symptoms of an impending stroke. It needs ...
Fibroids , also called leiomyomas are benign uterine tumors (not cysts) that can cause pain and heavy bleeding ...
There are many possible causes, so a complete medical evaluation should be performed. Although low blood pressure can ...
Need to see a doctor and needs to be examined to determine the cause of dizziness associated with ...
There are many things that could go wrong. With the symptoms presented, sore breasts, fatigue and dizziness, I ...
Your symptoms are not due to the vaccine. It seems you may have the flu.
There are several medical conditions that could cause the symptoms you described . Although many causes are benign ...
The symptoms you describe suggest that the child should see a doctor immediately.
These symptoms can be very dangerous and need to be evaluated immediately . Call your doctor and stay ...