The symptoms of headache, and dizziness are too little to be able to give specific advice. For example, ...
They seem to be symptoms of a strep infection. Do you have a fever? A viral infection could ...
Mentioned several symptoms that could describe a large number of problems. Ear infections or mastoid cavity, or inner ...
Allergies can cause headache derivative sinus and nose and can cause migraines. Cause dizziness because of the effect ...
There are several possibilities, including pregnancy or pregnancy problems such as a pregnancy in the fallopian tubes / ...
Appears to have an intestinal virus. Stomach upset and diarrhea leading to dehydration. This may make you feel ...
I will try to answer your question with the limited information available. I'm sure that emergency physicians have ...
These symptoms are very nonspecific and could represent many things. You could be dealing with a problem of ...
First, you should have a pregnancy test. As physicians , the first thing we do when we hear ...
Many things can be the cause of this wide range of symptoms: high blood pressure, anemia, increased blood ...
If you're having a persistent trend falling to the left, is an abnormal neurological symptom that needs study. ...
These symptoms may lead to serious problems, I recommend you go to the doctor.
These symptoms suggest that the spine is being compressed, you need to check whether it is cancer or ...
Seems to be a viral illness constipated or flu, you can take some medication to bring on the ...
I understand that just returned from the Caribbean, so these symptoms are related to an infection acquired during ...
It is not a disease. There are certain processes that can cause pressure in the ear, dizziness and ...
The body has a set of reactions. Why the body does this is not always clear. Some triggers ...
Chest pain that is aggravated by stretching, changes in body position, or compression of the chest wall rarely ...
The most likely cause for these symptoms is an acute viral gastroenteritis. Acute gastroenteritis is a self-limited disease ...
Do you have a history of kidney stones or urinary tract infections that have led to the kidneys? ...
There are a number of things that could be causing or contributing to these symptoms, including sinus infection, ...
All the symptoms you describe are not uncommon in depressive disorders ... although more details are needed to ...
Anything is possible, but your symptoms indicate that you need a gastrointestinal study. The vagus nerve is too ...
This seems a psychosomatic disorder . These are characterized by a long process ( chronic) in which a ...
For these symptoms you should perform a pregnancy test.Take the test one week after the first failure.