These symptoms are very disturbing and should be immediately examined by a doctor. Acute in the low back ...
Yes , the level of monocytes may increase for some types of vasculitis . Monocytes can be increased ...
PLEASE discuss this with your pediatrician. It is very disturbing to have so many symptoms with only 10 ...
A four-month hiatus in their menstrual cycles warrants medical evaluation. A number of conditions could cause missing a ...
Since we only have one kidney , you really need to be proactive with your urinary tract symptoms ...
These are very nonspecific symptoms and may involve a variety of problems. The general aches could be side ...
Fibromyalgia Symptoms : Muscle pain , muscle spasms or tightness / weakness in arms and legs, leg cramps ...
Muscle spasms are usually caused by vitamin deficiencies , low levels of electrolytes, overuse ( intense exercise ) ...
Let me cut to the chase . Acute abdominal pain , black stools and weight loss may be ...
With morning sickness a generally does not experience abdominal pain or diarrhea, but a strong stretch could cause ...
A pain in the upper abdominal area that radiates to the back usually pancreatic origin . Need a ...
We recommend a brain MRI and cervical spine . It could be anything , both the Arnold -Chiari ...
By stretching changes occur in the body, sometimes give symptoms. You can have a column stenosis or narrowing ...
If this is a symptoms are acute viral infection. If you have a history of allergies , then ...
None of the symptoms related to eye pain . But what is really needed is to know why ...
It is a very broad question without a full history or a medical exam.
It would be helpful to have your medical history. Numbness of the feet is a neuropathy. Fatigue and ...
Check with your doctor , it does seem an infection.
Lung nodules can appear in : Cancer , calcified spots ... A blockage in the inferior vena cava ...
It seems a serious chest infection . See a doctor.
Use anti stress techniques such as relaxation exercises , meditation, do not carry all the problems there are ...
In August 2009, the American scientific society reported the correlation between gluten intolerance , leaky gut and autoimmune ...
Looks like an infection like sinusitis or an infection in the inner ear. Check with your doctor .
Your question is very broad , but leukocytes in urine and fever is an infection of the urinary ...
You may have a bladder infection or cystitis with flu, is an explanation for all the symptoms at ...