You could make a blood test including inflammatory markers . Regarding headache artery occlusion can give headaches, jaw ...
Your symptoms could be a viral infection. Fatigue, swollen glands and inflammation of the thyroid infection fit . ...
Multiple sclerosis is a rheumatic problem. Yes sometimes causing pain but not cause joint pain with sweating and ...
You seem to have a combination of physical and psychological symptoms , you should consult your doctor .
Pain in the lower back may be a sign of fibromyalgia, but there is usually more involved muscle ...
Probably not cancer but should have a gynecological follow . It could be endometriosis , ovarian torsion . ...
Based on your symptoms are more of a problem. I'm worried about the difficulty swallowing and neurological symptoms ...
Your symptoms and medical history suggest an autoimmune disorder. Although blood tests have been negative they are not ...
I understand your question you've had unprotected sex . These symptoms have started after taking a foul or ...
A shower of hot water can dilate veins, reducing the pressure and lowering the blood flow in the ...
Creatine kinase (CK) consists of several isoenzymes: CK-MB, CK-MM and CK-BB. The elevation of any or all of ...
If you have been putting on shots at the right time (ie , once every three months) , ...
A home pregnancy test can be done on the first day of absence of your period. The classic ...
Have you had a urinary tract infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, previous history ? Do you have abdominal pain? ...
The causes of headaches are very frequent headaches and migraines can cause dizziness , fatigue, headaches and speech ...
There are a number of causes that could explain your symptoms. Fibromyalgia is a common disorder that causes ...
It has already identified the source of your symptoms. Anxiety and depression are among the most common causes ...
A pregnancy test is required . Also if you have vaginal discharge should be checked for STD. Need ...
Pregnancy is always a possibility. You should get a pregnancy test, are generally more reliable from the first ...
You could have a problem in the cranial cavity that is causing you all symptoms, or you might ...
There are several symptoms that can take several diagnoses. A detailed clinical history, physical examination and diagnostic tests ...
I would recommend talking to your doctor with this multitude of symptoms.
If MRSA infection is moderate, some of the symptoms that may be present are : headache, general ill ...
If your last period started on August 24 and its cycles are of medium length ( about 28 ...
Some of these symptoms may be compatible with pregnancy. The best way to determine if you are pregnant ...