This could be the beginning of your cycle, implantation bleeding , or a sign of vaginitis. It is ...
The classic symptoms of pregnancy can begin the first day of absence . This may include : breast ...
If your symptoms are severe you should go to the emergency room , if chronic visit your doctor.
Although anything is possible, is unlikely to heart disease or gallbladder disease is diagnosed as fibromyalgia . Because ...
Yes, you should be seen by a doctor. Looks like an infection, possibly MRSA ( Staphylococcus aureus resistant ...
Certainly , drugs , alcohol , benzodiazepines , and smoking pose risks to the developing of the child ...
Make you a pregnancy test at home when you touch the next menstruation. If negative repeat it in ...
I understand that you have already made a checkup and they found nothing . Consider a consultation with ...
Consult your dermatologist.
Plenty of evidence does not mean much if they are not put into context. Your doctor will tell ...
Unfortunately I can not answer this question . There are many symptoms here, you should realize a good ...
The ovaries are probably still working . Many people look for solutions to mood and stress by ovarian ...
These symptoms may be atypical symptoms of heart problems, pneumonia or other lung problems . Do not ignore ...
If a patient has severe neck and back pain , headaches and rashes , then yes , they ...
The body can react to stress with toxic reactions. Prone to constipation patients may have a severe reactions ...
I think that depression may be associated with a good portion of their symptoms , with the onset ...
An anxiety disorder or panic disorder are also possibilities. They often go hand in hand.
You have a wide range of symptoms. Consider arthritis, sciatica , fibromyalgia , disorders in the metabolism of ...
Sorry that you are going through this. It is not clear to me your question. If you have ...
You should seek a second medical opinion.
You should call your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room . You can have a viral ...
If you have not had a period in five months an ectopic pregnancy would have been diagnosed earlier. ...
These symptoms ( rashes in particular) are associated with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, although an accurate diagnosis can ...
You can not make a detailed diagnosis online , even if you explain all the symptoms. These symptoms ...
The symptoms you describe are common to multiple diseases and syndromes. It may be from a secondary table ...