This could be the beginning of your cycle, implantation bleeding , or a sign of vaginitis. It is ...
The consumption of raw oysters is a common cause of food poisoning. Usually, bacteria of the family is ...
The classic symptoms of pregnancy can begin the first day of absence . This may include : breast ...
Absolutely this could be a problem of middle or inner ear . Ask a ENT hour early.
A gynecologist can check for any health problems, if the woman has mild symptoms in menstruation. Many women ...
Make you a pregnancy test at home when you touch the next menstruation. If negative repeat it in ...
Plenty of evidence does not mean much if they are not put into context. Your doctor will tell ...
A chronic cough with irritation of the respiratory tract can cause these symptoms . Smoking is the most ...
Sometimes with insufficient diagnostic electrocardiogram is obtained. If there is a history to support (and apparently yes ) ...
You need to go to your doctor examine you what he can properly answer your question .
It is difficult to say whether these symptoms are related or are a separate issue. Key questions to ...
Vertigo - is the sensation of movement when you stand really - can be caused by various diseases ...
Since you wrote this question a week ago, I hope you have already visited her gynecologist. Without more ...
You should seek a second medical opinion.
You should call your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room . You can have a viral ...
The average age for menopause is 52 years. You have to go a year without menstruation to say ...
Gastroenteritis with flu. It sounds viral. Stay well hydrated, if it gets worse see a doctor.
Abdominal pains are due to many things, but in the right quadrant pain can be gallbladder problems. Often ...
Should see your family doctor or a gastroenterologist for you to perform a complete evaluation. Could anything so ...
I can not tell if you're pregnant, but it is a possibility. The implantation of the embryo in ...
They seem to be symptoms of a strep infection. Do you have a fever? A viral infection could ...
I will try to answer your question with the limited information available. I'm sure that emergency physicians have ...
These symptoms are very nonspecific and could represent many things. You could be dealing with a problem of ...
The most common benign cause of severe headache is migraine . Migraine can feel a throbbing pain in ...
Since it has not gotten her period yet, and you are experiencing the typical symptoms such as breast ...