Certainly , drugs , alcohol , benzodiazepines , and smoking pose risks to the developing of the child ...
These symptoms must be treated by your doctor. He / she has access to your medical history, laboratory ...
I understand that you have already made a checkup and they found nothing . Consider a consultation with ...
Unfortunately I can not answer this question . There are many symptoms here, you should realize a good ...
You have to go to the emergency room to make sure they are not dangerous .
Chest pains and shortness of breath ( individually or groups ) should be evaluated by a primary care ...
Looks like you're in poor health . If you have not already done so you should go to ...
Depending on your age and cardiovascular factors , anxiety could be your problem. A pulse of 120 should ...
It depends on the severity and location , stretching and associated spinal cord or nerves.
Do yourself a neurologic examination and magnetic resonance.
Sorry you do not feel well . Given the extent of your treatment , it is unlikely that ...
Did not like my answer . Looks like a lot has happened and you do not have a ...
You have to go back to the emergency room to diagnose you again . If you had hypokalemia ...
Need a good control of clinical pain .
Fungal rhinosinusitis may be the underlying cause of chronic sinusitis. Fungal sinusitis can also cause symptoms that might ...
The dizziness worth a doctor's visit. That is his priority now, please consult a doctor promptly .
I suggest you go to a psychiatrist, the symptoms are indicative of a state of low mood and ...
I'm sorry you do not feel well . There are several possible explanations for your symptoms, such as ...
You have a wide range of symptoms. Consider arthritis, sciatica , fibromyalgia , disorders in the metabolism of ...
There are many symptoms that do not fit into any specific pattern of known diseases . That said ...
You should consult a doctor as soon as possible , especially if symptoms persist or worsen .
The explanation for these symptoms may be anxiety / panic attacks, stress, a heart problem, an infectious process. ...
Has a deficiency of vitamin B12? Well, that depends on the results of blood tests . If your ...
armpit pain, especially if accompanied by an axillary mass, usually associated usually swollen lymph nodes under the arm. ...
It seems to be suffering from peripheral neuropathy of some sort. Peripheral neuropathies are caused by injury and ...