Reduced mobility with shoulder pain, tingling in the hands are symptoms of compression on the brachial plexus. There ...
Without a classroom assessment is difficult to ascertain what might be happening. The red dots on the neck ...
The shoulder pain could be due to a fracture, a bruise , a torn rotator , a dislocated ...
The role of the emergency physician is to check immediately if you have extremely serious ailment. They perform ...
Without more information and a review is not possible to determine what is causing your pain. For what ...
If you have not gone to your doctor to evaluate this issue , I would recommend him to. ...
You could check pancreatic ( amylase) enzymes , acid reflux can give these symptoms. Any intra-abdominal or diaphragm ...
Check with your doctor . Does the headache pain comes from the back of his head that goes ...
It is impossible to make a proper diagnosis online, whenever someone complains of pressure in the chest and ...
Are these new symptoms or and you had? In every way , see your doctor .
If you have not had a period in five months an ectopic pregnancy would have been diagnosed earlier. ...
shoulder joint is the most mobile of all existing in the body and therefore the more likely to ...
They can be due to many diagnoses, consult your doctor.
There are several possibilities, including pregnancy or pregnancy problems such as a pregnancy in the fallopian tubes / ...
Allergies cause itching but do not usually cause back pain, shoulder pain or headache. I'm not sure what ...