It is difficult to diagnose, but it could be fibromyalgia. I assume you have made various tests. It ...
It is highly unlikely that you have a tumor in your age plus tests were negative. If symptoms ...
You seem to have a variety of symptoms, could be many things like, neuromuscular problems, infection, degenerative problems, ...
What would you say is your explanation cervical radiculitis. Any injury to the nerve roots can cause pain, ...
It may be an infection in the spine as discitis or osteomyelitis. Could be an epidural abscess. I ...
Most people experience no symptoms in the eastern Nile virus. Mild symptoms usually occur in approximately 20% of ...
You have the right to continue to seek an answer. In my opinion, your search should start from ...
No mention at what stage of pregnancy is. Have you had any problems with blood pressure or the ...
Since your symptoms have lasted several weeks, you need to go to a doctor to be able to ...
A present in tumor spinal cord itself is a true "intramedullary spinal cord tumor," and is unlikely to ...
Described a symptom called orthostatic hypotension in which low blood pressure blow when one moves suddenly to an ...
Hemochromatosis occurs when too much iron builds up in the body. Symptoms are - abdominal pain, fatigue , ...
He mentioned several problems and the doctor should make an assessment , as many are quite serious problems. ...
The pain at night , with activity above the head or stretching his arms behind his back , ...
No more information available , the only thing I can do is tell you to go see your ...
These are symptoms that could be potentially serious . You should discuss these symptoms with your doctor. This ...
These are all symptoms of influenza or other viral or bacterial infection .
You may have something called "central sensitization " . Is that the way your brain to process information ...
As with any medical problem, you should always consult your doctor for appropriate diagnostic tests. Although there are ...
It is very rare that headaches are caused by a brain tumor, especially when they come and go ...
Muscle spasms or arthritis can cause burning in the back of the neck . We recommend to conduct ...
The bloody diarrhea should be assessed urgently. It is possible that it is caused by Giardia Lambia after ...
If you have not seen your doctor since you asked this question , I suggest you do so. ...
He did not mention his age. The larger one , the greater the risk of a fall , ...
The shoulder pain could be due to a fracture, a bruise , a torn rotator , a dislocated ...